Opalescence Teeth Whitening in Monroe, WA

As the years go on, it’s natural for teeth to dull and lose their shine. However, if dull, yellow, or surface-stained teeth prevent you from smiling, our team would love to help you brighten your smile! Our office proudly offers Opalescence professional teeth whitening services for one-visit or at-home whitening. To learn more about our services and to schedule a consultation, please get in touch with our office.

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happy woman getting teeth whitened

Does professional teeth whitening hurt?

Teeth whitening is a simple process. However, like any other cosmetic dentistry treatment, there may be side effects. Fortunately, teeth whitening procedures are non-invasive and generally only result in mild sensitivity. Patients may experience discomfort during or several days after treatment. Still, the effects are generally temporary and manageable with room temperature beverages and tooth-sensitivity toothpaste until the sensation subsides.

man receiving dental work

How long does it take to whiten teeth with Opalescence?

Teeth whitening can remove surface stains, and aggressive whitening treatments can remove deeper stains. With Opalescence professional teeth whitening in-office, you can achieve a brighter smile with only two or three 20-minute treatments! If you opt to use a custom-made whitening tray with Opalescence, you can conveniently achieve a bright smile over the duration of 15 minutes per day until you achieve your desired shade of white.

woman smiling at the camera

How do I keep my teeth white after professional teeth whitening?

Lifestyle choices and aging can contribute to teeth staining, so once your teeth are white and bright, you’ll want to ensure proper care to encourage their newfound shade of white. To keep your teeth white for as long as possible, we recommend maintaining regular oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing as well as avoiding dark pigmented food and drinks like coffee, tea, and acidic foods. Upkeep appointments with our cosmetic dentist can also encourage a lasting white smile..