Suresmile® Clear Aligner Therapy in Monroe, WA

Clear aligners, like Suresmile®, use a series of transparent and removable aligners to straighten teeth over time. Unlike other orthodontic treatments, hardly anyone will know you are undergoing treatment, and you won’t have to change your diet or oral hygiene routine. To learn more about Suresmile® clear aligner therapy for yourself or a family member, please contact our office.

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woman putting in clear aligner

Am I a candidate for clear aligner therapy?

Suresmile® clear aligner therapy uses a series of transparent and removable aligners to shape and straighten teeth over time. The discreet appearance and flexibility of clear aligners are an excellent choice for most adults and teens looking to correct mild to moderate tooth misalignment. If you’re considering Suresmile® clear aligner therapy, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our dentist in Monroe. Our dentist, Dr. Kim, will examine your bite, discuss your expectations and concerns, and recommend the best custom treatment for your oral health.

man putting in clear aligner

How long does clear aligner therapy take?

While we know most patients who are looking to complete a smile makeover as soon as possible, clear aligner therapy is a progressive treatment. In most cases, the process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. The ultimate treatment time will depend on the severity of your misalignment and how well you adhere to wearing your aligners.

woman putting in clear aligner

Is clear aligner therapy better than traditional braces?

There has been a long debate between clear aligner therapy vs. traditional braces. While both achieve the same goal of straightening your smile, they each have their own benefits and perks. If you’re unsure which orthodontic treatment can help you reach your cosmetic smile goals, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kim. Our treatments are an investment in yourself and your smile, and we look forward to helping you find the best treatment for your goals.